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Young people changing the world – meet the winners of the sixth generation of the Beacon of Knowledge

31 October 2024

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In the period from 7-9. October in Čačak, the six best ideas presented their projects in front of an expert jury consisting of representatives of the Bambi company, the Trag Foundation and the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation.

The finalists of the sixth generation are teams from Bajina Bašta, Vranje, Vršac, Zaječar, Leskovac and Čačak.

The winner of this year’s sixth generation of the “Knowledge Beacon” project competition is the team from Bajina Bašta and their project idea “EXACTLY THAT STEP”. The project aims to motivate fellow citizens to a healthier way of moving and less car use in order to improve their health and reduce environmental pollution.

The realization of the winning project will include the greening of public areas, the closing of the main street to traffic an hour earlier, in order to reduce the emission of harmful gases, but also the installation of places for bicycles.

This year, ERSTE Bank also provided a prize fund of 250,000 dinars for the realization of the winning idea.

The Lighthouse of Knowledge is a traditional competition for high school students that brings together young people from 13 cities in Serbia with the goal of devising creative projects for the improvement of their local community. Young people write projects that will directly respond to problems in the local community, on one of the predetermined topics – ecology, tourism, culture, public health and social activism.

The beacon of knowledge within the sixth generation of the project brought together high school students from Bajina Bašta, Belgrade, Valjevo, Vranje, Vršac, Zaječar, Leskovac, Loznica, Novi Sad, Subotica, Užice, Čačak and Šabac.

– We had great teams this year as well. Through creativity and excellent ideas, young people showed that the local community is important to them and approached solving current problems and improving their environment in an interesting way – said Maja Rubin, project manager of the competition.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Serbia, Erste Bank and Bambi.

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